This project uses the spectacular geography and heritage of the highlands to re-establish connections between young citizens from 4 cities (Livno, Drvar, Glamoč i Bosansko Grahovo). Through their creation of tours, which will be tested by hosting each other and workshops, a lasting connection is created. This shall enhance their financial perspective and strengthen regional cooperation.
Problem statement:
Canton 10 is a special place in BiH. On one side it is the least developed area with the highest unemployment rate 47.2% (Socio-economic indicators by Municipalities in 2017), a dwindling and sparse population of deeply divided communities. On the other side, it is rich in immensely underestimated and underpromoted amazing highland landscapes, pristine forests and mountain ranges that have a lot of potential for the development of sustainable tourism. We aim to use this natural potential to connect these divided communities, train them and establish the entrepreneurial bonds throughout the creation of common tourism products (tours).
Main activities:
1. Forming local teams and basic training
2. Meetup and experience sharing
3. Touristic weekend tours trial
4. Promotion of Karst highland adventures
This project is funded by the Embassy of the United States of America in Bosnia and Herzegovina.